The Birth.
In 2003, the Lord opened my eyes to see the need to become more children-friendly, and that has been our passion, drive, goal, mission
and preoccupation. It has not been easy owing to the fact that not many people consider the children ministry as important to the point
of commitment and investment. As humans, we tend to measure our success by the number of adult in churches or under our influence, whereas
children are said to be the leaders of tomorrow.
In Matthew 18:1-6 Jesus, when asked who the greatest in the kingdom was, He simply brought a child and placed him in the MIDDLE (a point of positional influence, control and interest)
and He warned that anybody who will not become like this little child will not enter into the kingdom. Hence the MK414 Initiative..
Mk414 Initiative is a movement that will put the Bible into the hand and heart of every child from ages 4 – 14years. It is also an offshoot from the vision 4/14 window of WORLD MISSIONS championed by NEMA (Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association).
Strategy: LOUD Formula
LOUD (The LOUD Formula)
Studies have shown that between this window, (ages four and fourteen) a child can accept
Jesus as Lord and Saviour and be baptized. So I came up with the “LOUD” formula by divine inspiration:
- Listen
- Obey
- Understand
- Decide …….. to follow Jesus
To raise a breed of Godly children who are thirsty for the word of God.
Get them muster interest in the memorization of whole Bible portions.
Create more platforms that will galvanize more children and their parents towards the MK414 Initiative.
Enter strategic partnership with churches to birth a synergy that will accelerate the process.