The mercy of God has remained upon us in this great assignment. Despite the downward turn in the economy, we are still pressing on. Faithful is our God, who has called us, who also is doing it. He placed it in the hearts of kings to help us. We are endlessly grateful to the all-sufficient God. People are being reached with the gospel and the name of our God is being glorified.
God manifested His glory during Week of Missions 2024, as many people gave their lives to Jesus while many others volunteered for missions involvement. The annual mission conference concluded with a wholistic outreach which held at Jauro Jangai. We were able to minister to the spirit, soul and body of the community dwellers. After watching the Jesus’ film, a number of them gave their life to Jesus. These new converts have been handed over to the Baptist Church in the village for discipleship.
The school arm of the ministry has remained consistent in providing formal education for the less privileged from the rural communities. Progressively, Jesus is transforming their lives and giving them hope and future. There are 234 pupils/students presently in the school enjoying free education, with full boarding facility. 26 of the ex-students are in tertiary institutions, still enjoying partial scholarship. We really hope to do more.
We have since commenced follow-up and discipling of the natives who gave their life to Christ during the Sport outreach that held earlier this year. We now meet with them periodically at their various villages which include Yewai, Murkuni, and Murbai.
Our special thanks to all our partners friends and family, for your ceaseless support to see that this vision continues, especially in this difficult time in this nation. We earnestly pray for you that you will experience increase on all sides. Please do not be tired because great is your reward.
Thank you for your sacrifices. We are really grateful.
God bless you.
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