Your donations in material and monetary form will go a long way to help this work as the Lord lays it in your heart. .
1. Please join us in prayers as we believe God for the completion of our school classroom project. This need has become very urgent as the place where we
are at the moment is becoming more and more uncomfortable.
2. Due to the attack on our mission base by suspected Fulani militias, we lost almost everything including the students' school uniforms. We were able to make new ones for a number of them, but many of them don't still
have the school uniform. With about 9 dollar (N3,700) a pupil/student will have a uniform for 3 years.
3. Sponsorship for our students' university education, is essentially needed.
4. Presently, feeding about 250 children is very tasking because of dearth of resources. We really trust God
for His help to be able to continue this task of feeding and taking care of academic and other needs of these children. With $165 dollars(N64,000),
a student can feed for a term.
5. Periodic support for our missionaries - very many personal valuables were lost.
6. A van for ease of movement.
7. Digital projector and screen for outreaches.
8. Public address system.
9. Laptop computers for the administrative staff members.
10. Office machines/equipment.
11. Internet facilities
You can partner with us by making donations to any of the following bank accounts :
Access Bank Plc
Account Name: God's Own Evangelistic Discipleship Ministry
Account Name: GOEDM Endowment Fund,
AccountNumber: 2027141751;