Education For The Less Priviledged
  • Your Legacy Still Stands
    We are resolute in our pursuit for Excellence
    we can't afford to stop half way until Our Better becomes Best.
    A Place To Serve
    Raising Godly Leaders
    For Godly Productivity
Welcome to

Trinity Christian Academy

Thank you for checking on us via our School Website. you can take your time to know more about our School, what we do, Our Vision and mission. Trinity Christian Academy (TRICA) is the school arm of God's own Evangelistic Discipleship ministry(GOEDM), an indigenous Mission Agency in Taraba State, North-east, Nigeria (click here to visit GOEDM). TRICA provides quality education for the Orphans and Vulnerable Children from over twenty-five villages within and outside Taraba state. The school kicked-started on the 20th of October, 2007 with just five (5) pupils, and late Pst and Pst Mrs Joshua Adah were the Proprietors as well as the pioneer teachers.

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HeadMistress Table

Of a truth is the saying;"if you want to destroy a nation, destroy her Educational system" the importance role the education plays in the development of the entire nation cannot be Overemphasised, every nation of the world with a good leadership system is often faced with the question "what can we do to get better" as a nation, this has always led to the adotpion of many strategies and/or policies put in place to better the situation of the country, these policies cut across all sectors in the country's economy, among whom is the Education sector. if we look critically at the nations of the world who are currently at the top of the radar, we will unaguable confess that, they are those nations who gave serious attention attention to their educatansional system (wether formally or informally) it does means that they channelled adequate resources to this sector, and consequently, this in turn led to the development withnessed in other sector... . . Trinity Christian Academy(TRICA) since inception has a unique vision to transform the lives of the children in the rurals, whose hope of suceeding in life has been dashed out due to the circumstances they found themselves. we believe that it is not the fault of these children that they are born in the rural areas, hence, they deserve equal treatment as it is for other children in the cities or other urban centres. we trust God to raise them from infant to a grown up level where they could fend for themselves. the school(TRICA) aimed to cut them away from Idol worshipping and social vices which has become the norm in their communities. instilling Godly fear and Godly productivity in them. this vission and mission has been sustained by the grace of God. we want to appeal that you Join us in this life transforming project. Thanks in anticipation, God bless you

Mrs. Hannah Azeez (Head Mistress)

See Our Uniqueness

Mission statement

Through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, The school effectively teaches, trains and trust the students to be efficient innovative, proactive and to achieve their God-given potentials using godly wisdom.

Vision statement

Creating Young Minds for godly productivity.

Self Learning

Our teachers knows it's more a "calling" than it is a "job". Quality education is important...and that takes great teachers. We know that quality education occurs when an environment is safe, stable and caring


The curriculum of our school is designed to take care of the Interest of students from all parts of the world. The school operates basically Nigerian curriculum but patterned to suit students from any other Part of the world.

Mastery Learning

Our commitment is to encourage every student to achieve the highest academic standard in all that they do. Our academic programme ensures that students are challenged to learn. They are taught the importance of practice, perseverance and determination to succeed, and to recognize the productivity benefits.

Experience Yourself

Classroom environments are vibrant and educationally stimulating. Teachers make good use of the available space to display a variety of student art, writing and charted outcomes of other curriculum programmes.

Online Learning

Good quality systems for assessing and evaluating student achievement have been developed by the Principal in consultation with the Board, Curriculum Teams, Syndicates and individual teachers.

Graduation Degree

Our commitment is to encourage every student to achieve the highest academic standard in all that they do. Our academic programme ensures that students are challenged to learn. They are taught the importance of practice, perseverance and determination to succeed, and to recognize the productivity benefits.

School Management

Mr. Daniel Ediale - PRINCIPAL

Mr. solomon Sunday Ekene - Vice principal/ / Academics

mr. Joshua Nnekuojo Vice Principal/ / Admin

Miss Joy Odjirigho- Admin Sec

Admission Requirements.

1. Junior Secondary school one (JSS1) prospective candidates must pass TRICA entrance examination.
2. Due to the uniqueness in what we do and backgrounds of our children, we admit them into nursery and primary classes, this is done after period of careful selection and interview of those who came for admission from across the villages. This is done in the month of August every year
3. Other requirements: photocopy of birth certificate, Passport photograph, application letter, school file(open for them in the school),

Upcoming Events

TRICA Admission is currently closed for this Session (2023/2024)

TRICA resumes for 3rd term on 28th April, 2024.

please support these Less Privileged at TRICA with your token of Love,click (DONATE) button OR transfer to 1013151884, TRINITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, ZENITH BANK.

Frequently Asked Questions

The experience is designed to be transformational, to make a difference in the life of every student.

TRICA is the school arm of God's Own Evangelistic Discipleship Ministry, Murkuni, Jalingo,Taraba State(click here to visit GOEDM). Trinity Christian Academy, a non-profit making mission school, was established to provide quality formal and moral education with full boarding facility for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), without cost. We have about 250 pupils/students from Nursery one to Senior Secondary school three (SSS3), The vision is to have them continue to the university, still without pay (read more)

As a faith based ministry, God's Own Evangelistic Discipleship ministry (GOEDM), the Unbrella body that established TRICA, depend on God and Gifts from His Children which comes in Various form: in cash or in Kind (gifts are used as designated)

TRICA since her inception has continued to salvage many Ophans and Vulnerable children within and outside Taraba State, by offering them sound Education and teaching them high moral and spiritual Principles that could prepare them to fufil their God-given potentials.

We provide nutritious food to our students so they can perform their best in the classroom. Dining with teachers and classmates creates the convivial social atmosphere of a home away from home. We also believe cuisine is an integral part of learning and understanding a culture. Students are exposed to a variety of food experiences during their time in the school, and periodically take cooking lessons that give them a chance to experiment hands-on with local ingredients and flavors.

We welcome parent/guardian or other family member to visit the school upon request, to rejoice with the children and to see the transformation taking place in the lives of the children. all visitors continue to express their astonishment on the rate at wish these children are transform all round, owing to the kind of environment/background they came from.




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