GOEDM PROGRESS REPORT (July – September, 2022)


God’s faithfulness has continued to be our testimony, as we walk and work together with Him. His commitment to our lives and the work is what makes the whole difference. He is still at work and we are greatly indebted to Him.


Week of Missions 2022 was a huge success as we noted in our 2nd Quarter 2022 Progress Report. Sequel to the outreach, the new converts at Jokoro village have expressed their sincere hunger and thirst for the word of God. This in turn, necessitated our prompt response to start the discipleship process with them including the village head, in whose house the converts converge every Sunday as we fellowship together.

Presentation of audio Bibles to the converts


Since the attack on our mission base in 2019, we have not had any befitting structure for fellowship. The converts have been meeting in tents and makeshift structures. We really desire a conducive atmosphere of worship for our converts, especially now that God is causing a spiritual awakening among the natives. With 500,000.00 ($900), a moderate fellowship chapel could be constructed.

Ndiaro Church

Abare Church


The school premises was filled with a huge crowd of rural community dwellers, who were seeking admission for their wards. Over two hundred parents/guardians were in attendance with the children to be interviewed. What a great opportunity to disciple another two hundred souls for Christ! Well, we could only admit forty. We need more resources, hostel facilities, funds and manpower to disciple more for Jesus. YOUR SUPPORT CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN.


Some of our corps members will be passing out in October and this means that more hands will be needed. Please pray for us. You can also volunteer on a short term bases. Jesus Love @ Christmas is one of our major outreach which holds every 24th and 25th December annually. We invite you to be part of this year’s edition, as we visit inmates, hospital patients and the rural community dwellers with food stuffs, Bibles, wears, toiletries, etc. Please PRAY, PLAN to Attend and GIVE towards this outreach.

We strongly believe that with your renewed partnership, we will be able to fill the nations with the knowledge of the glory of God so that we may all together worship Him now and forever. Thank you for being with us always. THE LORD BLESS YOU


NOTE: In case you did not get this report directly from us and you wish to receive it directly, kindly forward your e-mail address to us. We will include you in our mailing list straight away.

Also, please, in case of any donation, kindly contact us on 234-814-181-4642 or 234-706-676-6313, for proper acknowledgement. Sometimes we received help from people we do not know directly and we really want to acknowledge them appropriately. Thanks for your understanding.

Account details:
Bank: Access Bank
Account Name: God’s Own Evangelistic Discipleship Ministry
Naira Account Number: 0018068506
Dollar Account Number: 0702729515

42, Donga Road, Jalingo.