Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is with great joy and excitement, that we welcome you to the year 2024, our YEAR OF OVERFLOW. Our earnest prayer for you is that, you will overflow on all sides. According the book of Joel 2:24, God’s word to us is that this year, beyond whatever limit and boundary that we may have operated in the previous years, something different and great is happening this year; something awesome, it is OVERFLOW. We strongly believe God that the same will happen to you
The Living God is a missionary God and has called us to be part of what He has started doing long time ago. It is a process of blessing the nations with salvation and redemption. We are privileged to be on board with the God of mission in this Great Commission because the great God is accomplishing is work in a great way. He blessed Abraham greatly because that is His style of revealing His glory to the nations, as Abraham and his descendants continue to have contact with a people from every people. This is what God is now doing through us.
Therefore, the blessing of God is coming upon us until it is overflow in our lives and consequently, the glory of God spilling over from our lives to the nations. Wow, this is brilliant. I see God beautifying your life in a tremendous way this year 2024 in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Beloved, there is no doubt about God blessing you greatly. Making you to overflow and break forth on all fronts cannot and will not be a challenge for the almighty God. The challenge will be that whether you will allow God’s love and blessing to flow from you to the nations. God will be glad and honored to see that happening through you and through all that you do intentionally to bring glory to Him.
Get ready, get set, then OVERFLOW.
God bless you.

42, Donga Road, Jalingo.