The God of mission is still at work, snatching the souls of men from the grip of sin and death. He has called us to partner with Him in this dignified assignment, giving unique task to carry out for Him. In this way, everyone has something to do for the actualization of the Great Commission. We are grateful to God that we discover and pursue our unique role in God’s mission on earth. We are glad that you are involved too.
We all in GOEDM sought the face of God concerning His word for us in this year. He had said to us that this is our year of HARVEST. During the retreat, the Lord continued to open our eyes to various dimensions and extent of harvest He has appointed unto us in this year 2023, and how we are to use all means to reap the harvest. We strongly believe that He will do what he has said.
The school arm of the ministry, Trinity Christian Academy resumed for the 2nd Term of 2022/2023 academic session on the 15th January, 2023. We are grateful to God for bringing all of them back to school. More of our students got admitted into the university while the present SS3 students are preparing for their WASSCE and NECO. The main focus of the school remains the discipleship of these pupils/students. This is being achieved through various programmes and schedules of the school. All the pupils/students were challenged to memorise 80 Bible verses. The result has been overwhelming, as many of them testified of how it has helped them spiritually.
In a bid to reap the harvest of souls for our Lord, we adopted the sport strategy for mission engagement among Kona youth. The result has been unbelievable. About 200 kona youths were in attendants during the opening seminar of the football tournament during which over 70 of them gave their lives to Jesus. The process of discipling them is ongoing as we trust God for their establishment in Christ Jesus. Please pray along. We hope that this outreach will be sustained on annual basis as God continue to help us through the support of His people.
The converts are being taught and encouraged to put their trust completely in God in everything. The focus of our teachings in the last few weeks has been on how to express faith towards God. We request for more of your prayers for them. Plans are on to conduct water baptism for some of them that are yet to be baptized.
Some of our teaching staff members underwent a 2-day training on Phonics in a bid to give the best to the less privileged from the rural areas. This effort among others, is already yielding fruit, as the teachers pass down to the pupils what they have been taught in the training. We hope to do more on staff members’ training and development.
The key to the completion of the Great Commission is when there is synergy among the stakeholders. That is what we are enjoying with your partnership and we are grateful to God. It is our earnest prayer that the Lord will strengthen your hands as we do our parts in this great assignment. Know that your commitment to GOEDM is providing strength in us to keep moving, even as the going gets tough. We are so grateful to God for you. You will not lose your reward and you will not be tired.
God bless you.
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